Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Disney World

American Idol Experience

Caroline dressed as her favorite princess - Sleeping Beauty - and Fairy Godmother

The Family

It's a Bug's Life

Starting the day at Animal Kingdom

The past two weeks have been a total whirlwind!  I spent the first week of June at the Mayo Clinic trying to discover the cause of all of the mysterious symptoms I've been having.  Thankfully, all of that turned out okay, and I'm not dying of some weird neurological illness.  I just have to adjust to living with a "new normal" of numbness, difficulty swallowing, and neck pain.  Oh well, I guess it could be worse.

Last week, Shawn and I took the kids to Disney World.  We met up with Shawn's family, and spent some time with them at the parks as well.  They treated us to a day at Sea World, and the kids had a blast all week long.  Caroline was very brave and wanted to ride every roller coaster, however immediately after each ride, she'd say that she never wanted to ride it again!  :) Her favorite ride was Peter Pan, and JM seemed to be enthralled by everything.  (He wasn't too fond of the Pirates of the Caribbean though!)
Upon leaving, Caroline talked about how she wanted to live at Disney World, but she'll be lucky if we'll get to go back anytime soon!  Disney LOVES its magic, and I suppose it's worth the price after seeing our kids' faces.

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