Well, I must say, I've been a terrible blogger. So much has transpired since my last entry, so I'll just hit the highlights...
- We've spent all summer potty training John Michael. As of the last couple of days - literally - he is finally trained. I haven't changed a dirty diaper in two or three days now. WOOHOO!!

- We had a whirlwind summer. We made a couple of fun trips to my dad and Betsy's new house in San Destin, and Caroline spent a week going to basketball camp at East Central Community College.
- Turns out, Caroline is quite the little athlete. Not only did she prove herself to be a quick study at basketball, but she picked up tennis quickly, and also joined the Sunkist swim team, where she is naturally strong and fast. She seems to have grown about two feet in height, and she is pure muscle!! The girl doesn't even realize the potential she has, and Shawn and I are chomping at the bit for her to be just half as competitive as we are! I know, I know...she is only six.
- John Michael is talking and growing - no longer is he a baby. Although I've made him promise me to always be my baby boy. He truly is a joy, and I'll have to post more later about all the hilarious things he is saying and doing right now.
- Caroline decided to give herself a haircut while she was staying with my in-laws over the summer. She wanted bangs and took matters into her own hands. Surprisingly, she did a pretty good job. She cut fairly straight across, but she started too far back, so she ventured too far into the "mullet" category. I was heartbroken because her hair was all one length! But she was so proud of herself, and we've made it work.
- Caroline started first grade a couple of weeks ago, and she loves it. She acts like a miniature adult, and we are constantly having to remind her that she is NOT. One funny thing that happened this week, was a boy in her class told her that she was "hot," and that he wanted to marry her. She was completely nonchalant about it - "I mean, I don't even really like him, Mom. But I guess I'm his girlfriend," she said. "Caroline, what does HOT even mean? Were you sweating or something?" I asked. "UH!! No, Mom, it means I'm PRETTY." Come on...since when should a six-year-old know that?? We've only just begun.....
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