Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Program

Caroline played an angel this year in her school's Christmas program, Someone Has a Birthday.  A few weeks before the big day, she excitedly announced after carpool that she was going to play the part of Mary.  She informed me, quite smugly, that "Anna Leigh thought that she was going to be Mary, but Caroline was actually going to be Mary, so couldn't I just tell her that??"  Come to find out, neither girl played the part of Mary.... and it took me several days to convince Caroline that being an angel was a very important job.

Anyway, she was a beautiful little angel, and she sang all her words perfectly.  On our way home, after I bragged on how great of a job she did, her response was, "Next year, I'm going to be Mary."

Sometimes there's just no point in arguing with this child.... at least I have another 365 days to fight this battle...... 

1 comment:

jamesphar said...

Hi Mandy:2/12/09
I viewed your blog today first time
since I intially viewed it. I especially enjoyed the Dedication and JMO first haircut. Caroline is
precious as always.. Keep up the
good work
Uncla Al