Friday, July 31, 2009

Lion Twins

For Caroline's second Halloween, she dressed up as this adorable lion.  She wasn't so much of a girlie girl at the time and loved animals.  This was my all-time favorite costume of all her costumes by far, even though all of the people we trick-or-treated with thought she was a boy amongst all the princess girls that night.  :)  Anyway, I took out this costume and let John Michael try it on yesterday to see if it would fit him for this Halloween.  I've posted the old pictures of Caroline to compare hers with JM's in the lion outfit...

Caroline - Age 2

John Michael - Age 21 months
He was so proud of himself in this costume.  He just strutted around the house and roared for the longest time.  I guess we know what he'll be dressing up as this Halloween!

Underwear Raid

JM decided to raid Shawn's underwear drawer the other day.  His daddy has been out of town, so I guess he's missed least the boxers were clean!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Neshoba County Fair

We just returned from spending the opening weekend at the Neshoba County Fair.  It's become a tradition to spend some time in Philadelphia for this event ever since 2000, when my dad and Betsy got their cabin.  Times have certainly changed since then, especially after having children! We don't stay out as late or do all the things like we used to, but the kids sure have a lot of fun.  JM has already hit his terrible two's, so we headed back home a little early.  Here are some photos from our weekend...

The midway in the middle of the hot July day = not such a great idea!

Obviously, Caroline picked out the pink car, but JM loved it regardless!

Caroline's favorite part of the petting zoo - she loves ponies and horses.

I must say that I probably liked the petting zoo more than the kids - plus, I treated the animals SO much better!

JM kept saying, "AWWWW!"

Sweet little bitty chicks.

Chillin' at Dad's cabin.

Are we done yet?

My guys:)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

MAFP Convention Sandestin

Last week we spent some time in Sandestin with my dad and Betsy at the MS Academy of Family Practice Convention.  Everyone had a lot of fun, as can be seen by the photos. . .

Caroline's mermaid tattoo

This one didn't hurt, but Shawn and I threatened her life if she EVER gets a real one!

Bungee Jump

The after effects of eating rainbow ice cream.

Sibling love?

Papa, Caroline, JM, and Bee on our way to have our beach pictures made.

Our little family :)

I had to capture the moments when they were being sweet to each other...

Concentrating hard at the children's mosaic workshop, where she created a beautiful horse.

Beach time!

This one LOVES the beach!

He had a pretty good time too!

Feeding the fish at Baytowne

Caroline on the zip line - she's a thrill seeker.

The statue is only holding her hand because she gave it a dollar!

Waiting for Sissy to ride the zip line...

He's my man:)

My baby girl

JM loved this zero-entry pool.  He just skipped back and forth constantly.

Bug Bite to the Eye

Poor little man got into a fight with a mosquito while he was mowing the grass with his daddy last week, and unfortunately, JM lost.  The swelling lasted most of the week, even after being treated with round the clock Benadryl and as much ice as he would tolerate.  Pitiful fella.  :(

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We celebrated our Fourth of July by surprising my dad with a birthday party.  I'd hate to publish his age on this blog, but let's just say it was a milestone birthday.  Betsy had invited a lot of his friends and family, and there must have been about forty people waiting for him out at the fair cabin at the Neshoba fairgrounds.  None of us were convinced beforehand that Dad was going to be surprised, but once he and Betsy drove up to the cabin, we knew that he was shocked.  Apparently, he was even complaining to Betsy as they drove up that someone was parked in his spot, and he was wondering who in the h#@* were all those people on his porch!?  Classic Dad!  The surprise was a success.

Me and Dad

This pose was painful for Dad - he hates W.  :)


Our Little Getaway

   Shawn worked the Young Physicians convention in San Destin a few weeks ago, and we headed to Florida sans kids for a few days.  This was the first time since before John Michael was born that Shawn and I had gone anywhere alone...sad, I know.  (It was much easier farming out one child to go somewhere - not so much two!)
   The kids stayed with my dad and Betsy, and when we returned, JM was broken of his pacifier habit!  Shawn and I had a nice, quiet time at the beach and hope we won't have to wait another two years to do it again.  :)