I'd let John Michael's curls grow out long enough. When Caroline told me she wanted to put a ponytail in his hair, I knew it was time for a cut! He behaved really well! He sat very still and didn't cry at all until the hairdresser took her electric trimmer to his head. At that point, he still didn't move, but tears started streaming down his face...he was definitely freaked out by the buzzing around his ears and neck! Thank goodness for the pacifier, or the "bah," as JM calls it. If it weren't for his "bah," he would've probably screamed the entire time!
Friday, January 30, 2009
JM's First Haircut
I'd let John Michael's curls grow out long enough. When Caroline told me she wanted to put a ponytail in his hair, I knew it was time for a cut! He behaved really well! He sat very still and didn't cry at all until the hairdresser took her electric trimmer to his head. At that point, he still didn't move, but tears started streaming down his face...he was definitely freaked out by the buzzing around his ears and neck! Thank goodness for the pacifier, or the "bah," as JM calls it. If it weren't for his "bah," he would've probably screamed the entire time!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Spontaneous Zoo Trip
I've always said I was a flamingo in a past life....haha!
I don't think I'd be sneaking up on that if I were you, Caroline.
Shawn decided to take a last minute "holiday" on Friday, and we took the kids to the zoo after picking Caroline up from school. (Shawn finds out next month if he will survive yet another company lay-off, and he has a limited number of floating holidays. If he loses his job, he loses his floating holidays...use 'em or lose 'em, baby!)
It was a beautiful day! You would've thought it was springtime in Mississippi! And we practically had the entire zoo all to ourselves. What a treat! It was John Michael's first visit to the zoo, and he was thoroughly impressed with all of the sights. He didn't seem to mind a bit that he was missing his treasured afternoon nap. And Caroline ran around like she was hyped up on some sort of energy-infused drug...can I have what she's having?
So, it was definitely worth Shawn taking the day off of work to hang out with us. Who knows what next month will bring, but I do know this....I sure do love my husband and kids.
Monday, January 19, 2009
John Michael finally walked last week! When I saw him take those precious four to five steps across the house, I could almost hear angels sing, "Hallelujah!" (Okay, maybe that was just my own voice rejoicing in my head.)
I've been waiting for this moment for a few months now. JM is nearing the sixteen month old mark, and he weighs about thirty pounds. Needless to say, the child is getting hard to haul around everywhere! He really hasn't walked all that much since those first few steps, and he still prefers the crawling method of transportation. But at least I've seen with my own eyes that he CAN do it! Maybe I won't have to walk around with an ice pack on my neck for too much longer???
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Christmas Festivities 2008
The holidays swept through the Oliphant household in a blur this year! Unfortunately, everyone in the house ended up with a nasty cold at some point during our Christmas celebration, which made our travels a little more complicated than usual. Nonetheless, Caroline and John Michael enjoyed tearing through their presents and playing with their cousins. One high point of our holiday was when Shawn won $100 by playing a game my mom concocted, involving oven mitts and several tightly wrapped gift boxes. Can you say, DATE MONEY?!
Santa was good to us this year. . . probably better than he should have been. Caroline loved her horses and stable. John Michael has been enjoying his little piano. We've been truly blessed all around. Here's to a happy and healthy 2009!!
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